Hannah is doing great. Done with Kindergarten, although we are schooling year round so doing a few more days and will take a break in August then to 1st grade. Hannah is amazing, so sweet, smart, and loves to sing. Asks amazing questions and contemplates things I would have never thought of like, "God, is not in space, because He created the space" wow, you are right, like the one time she corrected me when I said we live ON earth and she corrected me saying we live IN earth since the air was above us. hmmm.... My little girl lost her first tooth this month July 2013. She woke up to find a bunch of glitter and a $5.00 bill under her pillow. Hannah is reading, doing great with math, she enjoys math more than reading, so we are opposites in that aspect...
Sarah, my little girl will be officially in Pre-School. She is doing well with counting and does her ABC's perfectly when she is distracted.... when she is giving her full attention she stumbles a bit. She is so brilliant and a wonderful helper. Loves checking the mail, folding clothes, putting away dishes, cleaning and setting the table. She looks so adorable in her new short hair cut, as does Hannah; both these girls love holding their baby sister!
Brian Jr. I am so happy he is so full of life and energetic. He loves to explore and is certainly persistent. He has my smile, some days he loves to cuddle and asks me to hold him. I do. I want to hold him because my kids are growing so fast. I need to appreciate those moments. Brian loves 'cars' and now super heroes. Sometimes he is spider man but lately his favorite is Hulk! He is a great actor and can memorize a lot of stuff! Does a great rendition of the Geiko gecko.
Bella, just turned 9 months! She crawls so fast, pulls herself up on everything. Loves to eat so many foods. Not sure she has a favorite yet. She loves to sleep with someone holding her... she is cradled in my lap right now as I type. :) She will get hair later, but her two little bottom teeth and blue eyes make up for that. She is so happy, such a happy baby! She looked at her dad this morning as said, Dada! She had been making mama dada and bu bu sounds and finally is putting the words to the 'object' or person. What a smart little girl, but all my kids are smart! :)
My hubby is doing great! We moved to South Carolina for a job opportunity, I am so proud of him for being so diligent in his work, any company is blessed to have him as an employee. Serious, he is a hard worker! So thankful that I have a husband who works hard for me and his kids. I love being able to stay at home, thank you Brian Sr. I love you! :)
Well, we are here in South Carolina now and I do love it here. It is nice being so close to family, it is different as we have never had that opportunity before, but we really love it! In the best two years we moved from Colorado Springs to two suburbs of Denver and now to S.C. I decided to jump right in and find friends, church, support, etc.... no use in waiting a few months to get settled in. Essentially we are the same family with the same furniture in a different location, the saying ' home is where your heart' is truly is right, my family is my heart and no matter what physical location we happen to be in is just an after thought.
Brian and Crystal |
Thank you God for many blessings. Those prayers You answer before we ask, those silly little prayers that you answer, even though they are minuscule but nothing is too big, nor too small for you God. Thank you for my family!